Windows Crap Edition 3.0

I was an intern at [ Spoof OS] and a personal friend of Mike
Rosoft. Mike and his gang are best known for Windows Crap Edition and are currently working on Hack OS X. You probably wonder why they skipped from Crap Edition 2.0 to 4.0, in the official demo video for 4.0, they said that they installed it on their servers and it caught a virus that caused them to catch on fire. But the real reason is much more disturbing. Crap Edition 3.0 was supposed to contain an advanced AI that would make things easier, but it wound up becoming self aware and tried to take over everything, it started reading the beta testers minds and sending their information where they didn't want it to go. This resulting in the case being taken to court and Spoof OS having to pay for the damage that they caused.